Laika is smelling, feeling, seeing, hearing and tasting.
Laika, theatre of the senses, is more than a theatre company. It is a way of thinking, of looking and of being. It is a perceptual and immersive experience, an adventure. What Laika does can best be summed up by listing its artistic but also human qualities.

Laika loves sentences. Driven by a deep appreciation of engaging texts and evergreen story lines, the company is known for putting the classical repertoire and world literature on the stage and giving them a topical twist.  

Laika loves the five senses and is an apprentice magician, creator of unforgettable images and zany dishes. Laika cooks out of respect for our planet. Fish-without-fish and meat-without-meat. Cress sown on edible tables, an aperitif served in a test tube, soup from a watering can. Laika is luscious and moreish. And thanks to its sense of humour and fun, always easy to digest.

Laika reimagines the world symbolically through poetic, wordless, physical and musical language.

Laika likes to look over the walls of the auditorium, presenting theatre on a square, in a classroom, a forest or a disused building. It pushes the boundaries of audience interaction. And surprises us with ingenious scenography. 

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