An anti-war fairytale

Tortot is a field cook at a time of endless wars.
The reasons for the fighting leave him cold.
He always joins the winning side, and always just in time.
His heart is as cold as that of a fish, but he is a dab hand when it comes to conjuring up a delicious soup with no more than a limp carrot and a shrivelled-up onion.
One day, hidden away in a storage vessel, he finds the very young soldier George.
Tortot wants the child out of his kitchen, but George manages to melt this cold fish’s heart…

Tortot is a theatre adaptation of two award-winning novels by the Dutch writer Benny Lindelauf, translated into English as ‘Tortot, The Cold Fish Who Lost His World and Found His Heart’ (2016) and ‘Whole Stories for a Half Soldier’ (2020).

Laika and Theater FroeFroe have turned the two stories into a tender-hearted show about a friendship that blossoms amidst the mud and the blood of the battlefield, amidst the banging and clanging of pots and pans, the clash of weapons and soldiers’ songs.
The heart of the story reflects Laika’s love of cooking and the end result is a sensory total spectacle. A brass band ventures into the theatre of war, portrayed with the help of FroeFroe’s rich world of puppetry. Adding further zest to the production is the conciliatory meal, so packed with aromas that you want to shake the enemy’s hand.

A timeless and palatable fairytale that exposes the inhumanity and absurdity of all wars with humour and compassion.

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Laika & Theater FroeFroe COPRODUCED WITH THE SUPPORT OF uFund, the Flemish Community & the Federal Belgian Government's Tax Shelter scheme  |  SCRIPT Roets&Vissers (after Benny Lindelauf) DIRECTORS Marc Maillard & Jo Roets CAST Aminata Demba, Heleen Haest, Koen Janssen, Gert Jochems, Filip Peeters & Patrick Vervueren SENSORY CONCEPT & SCENOGRAPHY Peter De Bie KITCHEN Peter De Bie, Sara Sampelayo & Helena Verbeeck MUSIC Bert Bernaerts COACHING BRASS BANDS Bert Bernaerts & Sarah Van Impe BRASS BAND ZOMER VAN ANTWERPEN Nele De Vleeschouwer, Mark Joris, Robin Mercelis, Reimond Ngaikpu, Pat Riské, Bob Rubens, Kasper Schalckens, Elke Schelfhout, Bob Van Brandt, Luc Van Nieulande, Katrijn Van Lysebettens, Matthias Van Ruijssevelt & Dries Verheyen BRASS BAND THEATERFESTIVAL BOULEVARD Ronnie Mauriks, Roland Smorenberg, Liesbeth van der Steen, Sid Van Krunckelsven, Gregory Van Seghbroeck & Daniëlle van Summeren BRASS BAND CULTURA NOVA Brass Band Limburg DRAMATURGY Mieke Versyp DIRECTING ASSISTANT Cyril Witte LIGHT DESIGN Thomas Stevens PROPS, PUPPETS & COSTUMES Evelien Alles, Luna Cortés Osorio, Silke Debandt, Jan Maillard, Marc Maillard, Patrick Maillard, Astrid Michaelis, Thais Scholiers & Koen Van Hoecke PRODUCTION & TECHNICIANS LAIKA Pieter Smet, Tim van der Linden, Rik Van Gysegem, Anton Van Haver & Tom Van den Brande ORIGINAL VERSION Der Koch und der halbe Soldat COPRODUCED WITH tjg. theater junge generation Dresden
Tour dates
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July 2024
Tu02/0720:00 Premiere
August 2024
's Hertogenbosch
Theaterfestival Boulevard +31 (0)73 6124505
September 2024
Cultura Nova +31 (0)45 5716607
Tortot, an anti-war fairytale
"A tender and grotesque war story concludes with a special coffee table. The cook is a live character convincingly played by Koen Janssen, while Half-George is a puppet whose voice and movement are brilliantly manipulated by Patrick Vervueren. On the other hand, Tortot is a hard-hitting tale about the sheer absurdity of war."
Perhaps the year’s most delectable stage play goes by the name of ‘Tortot’
"The emotional through-line is infrangible: your heart so warms to the cook and his comical slip of an assistant that the final scene comes as a coup de grâce…"
"Once again we are struck by just how easy living together can be: complete strangers proffer the last braised onion and the glasses are refilled with a concoction of cider vinegar, tarragon and honey. Conversation flows, conciliatory, amiable. The munificence of the actors, the musicians, of the whole team on and next to the stage proves highly infectious."
".. the coupling of realism (Janssen’s fine, natural performance) and absurdist horror (a child that has lost its legs found hiding in a gherkin barrel) gives their story a magical dimension, which makes the war theme both bearable (in the fiction of the puppet) and doubly hard-hitting – you can’t spend too long thinking about it."
"FroeFroe does what it does so well with a combination of living actors and awesome puppets (...). Laika’s Peter De Bie, who has made a name for himself with his culinary theatre, is the ideal sparring partner to man the field kitchen. While war rages on stage, tempting aromas drift from the sidelines towards the audience."
FroeFroe and Laika underline the senselessness of war with puppets and fanfare
"FroeFroe demonstrates its puppetry skills which, while increasingly abstract in design terms, are unmitigated emotion. And in Peter De Bie, in addition to several outstanding actors, Laika has another extraordinary trump card: a creative chef."