tu 22 October 2024

Big and exciting news! Rehearsals have started for HEROES, a brand new performance by director Michai Geyzen. HEROES shows the other, less awe-inspiring side of life as a superhero. From zero to hero and back again. Expect visual, wordless, quirky and energetic movement theatre, accompanied with live music.

The show will premiere on 27 September at 8pm at De Studio in Antwerp (BE). HEROES will then go on tour until 31 October 2024 and from 5 to 31 January 2025 in Belgium and the Netherlands.

sa 11, su 12 January 2025
sa 18, su 19, mo 20 January 2025

Sien Vanmaele is known for standing up for the climate and in LAND MEAL she turns her attention to food waste. We are invited to her ‘altar of discarded foods’, which will go on tour again in September. Come and participate in this rebellious tasting!

The second part of LAND MEAL's tour follows in the spring of 2025, and SEA MEAL also travels again this season. All tour dates can be found here.


In the run-up to the Belgian local elections, Laika, hetpaleis and the City of Antwerp are organising the youth summit A1000.

On 3 October 2024, 1000 pupils will debate with each other and with the heavyweights of Antwerp's political parties. They will talk about exciting topics such as living together, our planet, money, democracy, identity and the city of the future. Sparks are sure to fly!

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