A compelling story about the friendship between a young soldier and a field cook, set amidst the mud and blood of the battlefield. A timeless fairytale about the futility of war, dished up with a dash of dark humour.
In 2024, Belgium and the Netherlands will be the joint guest country at Germany’s major book fair, the Leipziger Buchmesse. At the request of the Dresden-based Theater Junge Generation, which finds stimulation in Laika’s sensory work, Roets&Vissers are making a stage adaptation of two award-winning books by the Dutch author Benny Lindelauf: Tortot, The Cold Fish Who Lost His World and Whole Stories for Half a Soldier. Jo Roets is directing the Dresden ensemble in this brand-new collaboration, Peter De Bie will create an immersive sensory experience.
Der Koch und der halbe Soldat will only play in Germany. In the summer of 2024, Laika and Theater FroeFroe will rework the stage version for the Belgian public, called Tortot.