Floris and Blancefloer6+
Love story from distant Arabia

Floris, the son of an Arab king, and Blancefloer, the daughter of a Spanish slave, are born on the same day and grow up together in the palace. Against the king’s wishes, they fall in love. Tod, the jester, tries to fix things.

In a tent filled with tapestries and soft cushions musicians, actors, dancers and puppets bring the love between Floris and Blancefloer to live. They create a place where east and west meet and treat the audience to an enticing mix of dance, music and play.

Jo Roets adapted the mediaeval story about the love between an Arab prince and the daughter of a white slave for the theatre. In this sweet fairytale love conquers all differences between people. Musicians, singers, actors, dancers and puppeteers are involved with Floris and Blancefloer and make it total theatre.

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A co-production with Speeltheater Holland and Jongerentheatergroep DOX  |  TEXT Jo Roets DIRECTOR Jo Roets and Onny Huisink MUSIC Jan Van Outryve CHOREOGRAPHY Hildegard Draaijer and Sassan Saghar Yaghmai PERFORMERS Radomira Dostal, Bas Heerkens, Bram Kwekkeboom, Denis Leuerer, Carole van Ditzhuyzen, Hassan Oumhamed, Naomi Mac Donald, Imro J. R. Willems MUSICIANS Verena Guido, Marleen Leicher, Norbert Pflanzer, Jan Van Outryve, Gürkan Küçüksentürk, Sara Lima, Nana Appiah and Milone Reigman DESIGN/PUPPETS Onny Huisink, Caroline Teesing, Rolf Beelen, Roberta Amador COSTUMES Mieja Hollevoet