Bravo! mister Bruegel 
A painting comes to life at Bokrijk open-air museum

The death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder 450 years ago is the pretext for a whole host of activities and festivals. Opening at the Open-Air Museum in Bokrijk on April 6th 2019 is The World of Bruegel, a large-scale event which takes us right to the heart of the Flemish master’s world. Laika is getting behind the event with a theatrical contribution that plays on the senses.

Square of the Senses

Welcome to the Square of the Senses! In Bruegel’s time, public squares were popular places for spectacles. That’s where local chambers of rhetoric put on plays during festivities. Bruegel’s famous painting The Battle between Carnival and Lent shows a town square teeming with people celebrating.

Just like the rhetoricians of the 16th century, the actors and musicians of theatre company Laika and Bokrijk Living History perform a play in our square: Bravo! Mister Bruegel (Bravo! meneer Bruegel). They bring The Battle between Carnival and Lent back to life. This spectacle is full of characters showing people as they still are today: dancing, drinking, eating, playing, flirting, complaining, teasing…all too familiar. With all their faults and virtues, just as Bruegel depicted them.

from July 11th to September 1st

Laika, theatre of the senses, also lets you literally taste Bruegel. On Sundays, public holidays and during summer, you can come here for a sip of ‘Kleyn Bier‘ and a piece of ‘Paradise waffle’, both created by Peter De Bie and inspired by 16th-century ingredients.

Let yourself be immersed in the Odourama in the Mikke from Lo, where sounds, bits of music and smells draw you into Bruegel’s painting!

from April 6th to October 20th

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A co-production of Laika and Perpodium, with support of the Flemish Government and Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Governement  |  For the calendar of each team, click here. TEXT Heleen Verburg SCRIPT Roets&Vissers (with a touch of Rabelais) DIRECTED BY Jo Roets CAST TEAM 1 Abigail Abraham, Manoe Frateur, Yentl Gijbels, Patricia Goemaere, Gert Jochems, Toon Offeciers (music), Stijn Vervoort LIVING HISTORY BOKRIJK Josee Bruyndonckx, Yvan Dieu, Yvonne Gielen, Fons Tesseur CAST TEAM 2 Marjan De Schutter, Julia Ghysels, Deniz Polatoglu, Alain Rinckhout, Hans Van Cauwenberghe, Robbert Vervloet, Bart Voet (music) LIVING HISTORY BOKRIJK Maurice Gaens, Theo Munters, Freddy Sannen, José Witters ACTORS PUSHKITCHEN Anouk David, Michiel Van Opstal SCENOGRAPHY Peter De Bie MUSIC Hans Van Cauwenberghe COSTUMES AND DESIGN Inge Büscher SUN Oscar Peters REALISATION COSTUMES Hanne Geerts CHOREOGRAPHY Karolien Verlinden TASTEMAKER Peter De Bie DRAMATURGY Mieke Versyp TECHNICIANS Wim Bernaers, Tom Daniels, Marlies Jacques, Pieter Smet, Thomas Stevens, Rik Van Gysegem, Anton Van Haver PRODUCTION Bart Embrechts, Lorelinde Hoet RESEARCH Katrien Lichtert, Jeroen van Vaerenbergh.
Tour dates
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July 2019
Th11/0714:00 Premiere, 16:00 Premiere
Fr12/0714:00, 16:00
Sa13/0711:00, 14:00, 16:00
Su14/0711:00, 14:00, 16:00
Mo15/0714:00, 16:00
Tu16/0714:00, 16:00
We17/0714:00, 16:00
Th18/0714:00, 16:00
Fr19/0714:00, 16:00
Sa20/0711:00, 14:00, 16:00
Su21/0711:00, 14:00, 16:00
Mo22/0714:00, 16:00
Sa27/0711:00, 14:00, 16:00
Su28/0714:00, 16:00
Mo29/0714:00, 16:00
Tu30/0714:00, 16:00
We31/0714:00, 16:00
August 2019
Th01/0814:00, 16:00
Fr02/0814:00, 16:00
Sa03/0811:00, 14:00, 16:00
Su04/0811:00, 14:00, 16:00
Mo05/0814:00, 16:00
Tu06/0814:00, 16:00
We07/0814:00, 16:00
Th08/0814:00, 16:00
Fr09/0814:00, 16:00
Sa10/0811:00, 14:00, 16:00
Su11/0811:00, 14:00, 16:00
Tu13/0814:00, 16:00
We14/0814:00, 16:00
Th15/0811:00, 14:00, 16:00
Fr16/0814:00, 16:00
Sa17/0814:00, 16:00
Su18/0814:00, 16:00
Mo19/0814:00, 16:00
Tu20/0814:00, 16:00
We21/0814:00, 16:00
Th22/0814:00, 16:00
Fr23/0814:00, 16:00
Sa24/0811:00, 14:00
Th29/0814:00, 16:00
Fr30/0814:00, 16:00
Sa31/0811:00, 14:00
September 2019
Su01/0911:00, 14:00, 16:00